I wish to create a list, a list without end. A list of every game, which I know is a fool’s quest but I am compelled to comply. The good, the bad and the strange will all be judge and added to the list.

Check back for updates or watch the creation of the all-consuming list on Twitch.

How it works

A games position on the list is decided based on scores out of 10 in 10 different categories giving the game an overall score of 100. Each category starts with a base level of 5 and gains or loses points in said category. These Categories are:


The quality of the overall story / plot of the game


The quality of the characters in the game. Their impact on the story and their depth.


How thought out the world of the game is. This could be lore, background and world building.

Visuals and Aesthetics

Due to the age of some of the games on the list, it would not be fair to judge the graphical fidelity of a game. But the visuals the game portrays and the aesthetics of everything, from game menus to character designs will be considered.

Sound Design and Music

Everything involving sound in a game, music, voice acting or even the sounds of menus.

Gameplay and Mechanics

How does the game play, does combat feel fluid and intuitive, do puzzles contain depth, is driving solid. It also includes the depth of mechanics in the game. What is the skill ceiling and floor, is it easy to learn, is there more to see above what is first shown.

Level Design

How well are levels, stages or the world designed. Is a Mario stage fun to jump around, is an open world engaging, is a fighting game stage memorable or a race track dynamic.

Player Reward and Replay

Does that game offer incentives to strive for extra challenge or encourage a second playthrough.


Is the game fun to play, it is a simple category


Is the game frustrating to play, this could be due to difficulty or bad design. A high score in this category means that it less frustrating, low score means very frustrating.

My Score

Due to the high number of games that will be on the list. With many games gaining the same score I will provide a score out of ten to decide what game is better than another. As some game that score low may be something I enjoy. Or a game that scores well in all areas may not be for me.


As I will be playing a wide range of games from a lot of different genres. Some games will not prioritise certain categories, if I play a racing game, story, characters and world may not be a focus of said game. This is why all games start at a base 5 in each category and would only lose points if they are trying to include a story and fails.

I will try my best to appreciate things in games that might not for me. But I am only human and sometimes it is hard to see the forest through the trees.

A low score does not mean the game is bad, it is just deciding its place on the list and with so many games, some have to be at the bottom. Some games will be bad though.

If you wish to see full explanation for each game, please check for a review on the site, or a playthrough on Twitch or YouTube.

The Scores are based on what I value in a game, please understand that this is all opinion and if you disagree, please send me your scores or List as I would love to see it.